Tooth Extraction
One of the treatments we can offer as a dental office is the extraction of teeth. This may seem a little odd. After all, isn’t it our job to save teeth, not remove them?
It’s true that we always try to save teeth when we can. However, there are some situations in which removing a tooth is safer and healthier.
When Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

A tooth may need to be extracted when it threatens other teeth in the mouth, or simply cannot be saved.
Severe Breaks or Cracks | If a tooth is too badly broken, there is only so much a dentist can do to piece it back together.
Extensive Infection or Decay | In a very similar way, a tooth that contains too much infection to save it needs to be removed. If it is not, that infection could very likely spread to other teeth, the gums, and even to other parts of the body.
Overcrowding | If teeth do not have enough space to fit properly, they can become severely crooked, or damage your bite alignment.
Impaction | For a number of reasons, including overcrowding, teeth may not come up through the gum at all. They can sometimes grow sideways, or even upside down, causing great pain. This is a frequent cause of wisdom tooth extraction.
Wisdom Tooth Extraction Recovery
Wisdom teeth removals are some of the most common extractions performed in dentistry. The reason for this is that most modern adults have smaller jaws than we used to centuries ago. When our third molars try to come in, they often become impacted.
Impacted teeth can threaten other healthy teeth by growing up against them, interfering with their roots, or becoming infected under the surface. Once we’ve removed the problem tooth from your mouth, you can begin the wisdom tooth extraction healing process.
Emergency Tooth Extraction Near Me
If you are in severe pain, or you have experienced some sort of accident or injury, don’t wait to contact us. If it becomes necessary, we can perform emergency extractions in order to keep your mouth healthy and relieve you of pain.
How Long Does a Tooth Extraction Take?
Tooth extraction can sound a bit scary. We have many cartoon villains and horror stories to thank for that. However, a modern extraction is nothing like the scary stories. It is a quick process that is carried out with modern tools, medications, and procedures.
Does Tooth Extraction Hurt?
We use anesthetics to prevent as much discomfort as possible with all of our extraction procedures. The removal itself may feel strange, but it should not hurt.
There may be some sensitivity or pain after tooth extraction, as your mouth heals from the procedure. It should not be severe, and it should lessen over time. If you find this to not be the case, contact us immediately.
Recovering From a Tooth Extraction Procedure
The normal tooth extraction healing time varies by person. However long your recovery is, though, good tooth extraction care after the procedure is necessary for healthy healing.
What To Do After Tooth Extraction
For ideal tooth extraction healing time, follow the steps below:
- Take a few days to rest after the procedure.
- Avoid brushing, flossing, or chewing near the treatment site for the first few days. (See below for some suggestions on what to eat after tooth extraction.)
- Do not use a straw, rinse the mouth, or spit for the first 24 hours.
- Do not smoke.
- Limit physical activity.
- When sleeping for the first few days, keep the head in an elevated position to prevent any bleeding.
- Use a cold compress or prescribed medication as directed to control any swelling or pain.

These steps help to avoid two common issues:
Tooth Extraction Infection | If your healing socket becomes infected, you may experience bad breath, sour or bitter taste in the mouth, fever, sensitivity to hot and cold, or tenderness.
Tooth Extraction Dry Socket | This happens when the tooth extraction blood clot that should form after removal is dislodged or dissolved before the wound heals. This will expose the underlying bone and nerves, often causing pain and discomfort.
What Can You Eat After Tooth Extraction?
Eating after tooth extraction can be difficult, especially for the first few days. As your bone and gums recover, you will want to avoid irritating the area with anything that could dislodge or damage the healing tissue.
Until the socket is no longer sore or sensitive, stick to soft foods that don’t require much chewing. This could include applesauce, yogurts, mashed potatoes, or soups. Smoothies are also an excellent choice—but remember to avoid straws.
Where Can I Find Tooth Extraction Near Me?
If you are in need of tooth extraction, come to Wagner Dental for excellent care. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have, including any queries about tooth extraction cost, wisdom tooth extraction cost, or details about tooth extraction aftercare. Call us today to schedule an appointment!