Invisalign Clear Aligners for Teens
As a parent you want to provide your teenagers with the best opportunities, including a pristine smile. Beautiful teeth are the perfect way to set your children up for future success at school, with their health, and in their future careers.
Wagner Dental is proud to offer Invisalign aligners for your teens. Advancements in Invisalign clear aligners have made straighter teeth a possibility for everyone. The Invisalign process is proven to provide all of the benefits of correcting bite or alignment issues in as little as 18–24 months without the clunky metal technology of traditional braces.
Read on below to understand the distinct advantages of Invisalign and why you won’t want to pass up this opportunity to pass up on this opportunity to transform your kid’s smile.

How Do Invisalign Aligners Work?
The Invisalign treatment uses a series of clear aligners uniquely designed for your teenager to straighten their teeth and transform their smile.
Our Invisalign treatment consists of a series of steps:
- During their first visit, we will perform a comprehensive examination of your teen’s mouth to understand the current state of their teeth. We will take pictures, x-rays, and perform a 3D digital scan with iTero technology.
- We will create impressions of your teen’s teeth and send them off to a lab to create custom aligners. Each series of aligners is designed to shift their teeth in the optimal direction.
- Each aligner is designed to be worn during every part of the day except for when eating. Over time, these retainers will shift your child’s teeth, and they will regularly swap their current retainers out for the new series that will further the straightening process..
- Once all of the retainers are finished your teenager will be able to enjoy all of the benefits of their improved smile. It’s that simple!
Why Invisalign Works for Any Age Group—Especially Teenagers
Your teenagers go to school every day and constantly have to deal with issues related to their self-esteem and being accepted among their peers. Straight teeth will help your teen fit in and be more confident, but all too often this comes with the price of wearing metal braces and getting picked on.
Invisalign clear aligners are the perfect solution for the social anxieties that teenagers face for several reasons. These benefits include the following:
- They are practically invisible. Your teen’s friends won’t even be able to tell that your child is wearing aligners! This means that you don’t have to worry about your teenagers enduring snarky comments or bullying while undergoing orthodontic treatment.
- Your teenagers can still eat what they want. You don’t have to worry about whether your teenagers will ruin their aligners by eating chewy candy at the movies. All your teenager has to do is pop them out and then put them back in when they are done eating.
- Less worry about mouth injuries. Accidents happen, especially in sports. Traditional braces can lead to gashes and mouth damage. With Invisalign technology, these issues can be entirely avoided by simply removing the aligners during the game and replacing them afterward.
- Increased comfort. Teenagers are already cranky enough without sore mouths or painful metal brackets. By choosing Invisalign aligners you and your teen will have one less thing to worry about.
Invisalign aligners are the preferred method of straightening teeth these days—and your teens will thank you for the change!
How Long Does the Invisalign Process Take?
Many of our patients say that Invisalign aligners are worth it because of how quick and efficient the process is.
Your teenager will begin to wear their Invisalign aligner trays as soon as they receive them. Because teenagers are still growing, their teeth are much more malleable, which often leads to faster treatment time. You’ll begin to see results as soon as the first couple of months, although full treatment can take up to a couple of years.
Here are some tips to help your teen’s treatment plan run according to schedule:
- Wear aligner trays 22 hours a day. This means that they need to be worn even when sleeping. Make sure that your teen goes to bed wearing them!
- Switch trays according to the treatment plan. Every tray needs to be worn for the designated period of time before switching to the next one. Not doing this can slow or hinder treatment
- Keep seeing Dr. Wagner as scheduled. It’s important to see Dr. Wagner for your regularly scheduled appointments to make sure that your teenager’s teeth are moving as intended.
Each person’s smile is different so treatment time varies, but just think about how quickly you’ll see results! You’ll be giving your kid the smile of a lifetime in just a few short years, before they even become an adult.
Invisalign Aligners vs. Braces: What Differences Can I Expect to See?
The Invisalign solutions that we offer are ideal for:
- Fixing alignment and bite issues. Invisalign aligners work to straighten your teen’s teeth and make the top teeth align correctly with the bottom teeth when they bite together.
- Correcting issues with an overbite. An overbite is when your top teeth close in front of your bottom teeth when you bite. This can make it difficult to eat and chew, and if left untreated can lead to persistent mouth pain. Invisalign aligners can fix these issues by aligning your bite.
- Crowded or gapped teeth. Teeth with spacing issues can cause oral health issues and damage your self-esteem. Invisalign technology can fix a variety of issues related to crowded or gapped teeth so that you don’t have to live with the negative consequences.
- And so much more! Invisalign aligners can make straight teeth a reality for your loved ones without the hassle or awkward appearance of traditional braces. To learn more about how they can benefit your teen’s smile, call us today!

Not all cases of Invisalign treatment are cut and dry. Any patient that is experiencing severe underbite, overbite, crossbite, crowded, or gapped teeth might not be the right candidate for Invisalign treatment.
The good news is that we offer free consultations for all of our prospective clients. Come see us today so that we can discuss the most effective solution for your teenager and what Invisalign results you can expect.
Invisalign vs. Smile Direct: Don’t Make the Mistake of Using Mail Order Aligners
Plenty of companies now offer Invisalign alternatives that promise quick results with minimal costs. As a patient this can be appealing for numerous reasons, but you need to be especially wary of potential side effects.
Many of these companies offer products that are unsafe. Oftentimes patients have to take their own impressions of their mouth, don’t have any interaction with a professional dentist throughout the treatment process, or undergo treatment that is inappropriate for their circumstances.
Orthodontia is a medical procedure that requires the rigorous and technical oversight that only a trained dentist is capable of providing. Don’t cut corners by giving your teenagers anything less than they deserve.
Schedule Your Free Consultation For a Better Smile
If you’re looking for the best Invisalign teen dentist near you, schedule a free consultation with Wagner Dental today! We’ll help you customize the right treatment plan for your teenager’s mouth so that you can give them the gift of a healthy, outstanding smile.